Hey Blog! Well, wow. I have no words right now. It is actually crazy that this project is about to be over on Sunday. I just cant believe it's over. We have made a lot of final decisions regarding our film that I want to fill you in on before I say my goodbyes until I post my CCR and opening this weekend.
So, basically the main thing you need to know is we changed the title a bit. When editing the film opening, I was assigned to add the title of our film at the end. When doing so, I made an error spelling the word "align" with 2 L's instead of one. This means our title would say "How The Stars Allign". After I realized my mistake I started to think of how when I looked at the title it looked like it meant "How The Stars ALLign" meaning like how the stars align in the film for ALL the zodiacs. When telling Reem and Nawal about my idea they both liked it and thought we should leave it the way I wrote it. So when you look at the title and it looks a little funky, thats why. But it's ok because you know what they say about art. It is subjective. ANYWAY, I think it's time for me to leave now. It is late and I am tired and need to get rest so I can finish my CCR. It has been an absolute pleasure writing to you, even if only a few people are reading this.
P.S. heres a celebratory gif
Until Next Time,