Friday, March 1, 2019

Group Meetings!!

Good Afternoon Blog! How is everyone feeling today? Because I am absolutely EXHAUSTED. I had rehearsals for Mamma Mia everyday this week until 6 and I am so drained. The good news is though the show is next week so it'll all be over soon! They said this part of senior year would be the most stressful but I didn't believe them. Who is they? I don't know, but I should've believed them. Anyway now I am going off on a tangent so back to the topic of this blog: group meetings were today!

I am not going to lie, before meeting with other classmates I was kind of nervous with how our group was progressing because we only had a general idea for a plot and no specifics. However, after meeting with our classmates and getting advice from them we have a much stronger vision as to what we see our opening looking like. I was happily surprised to find out that other groups have about the same done as our group, and if not that then even less. After finding this out I felt much better about our progress. Some of my classmates gave me some ideas to use on our film and I want to take the time to discuss them here so I don't forget any of them.

Idea #1: 
My group members and I are not the best when it comes to editing and we were trying to figure out how to use the idea of putting the zodiac sign symbol above characters heads to establish  everyones zodiacs. We were unsure as how to go about doing this and one of my classmates, Yejing told me exactly how to put the symbol in with layering on WeVideo, which was extremely helpful.
So, thank you, Yejing!
Idea #2:
The next helpful idea I was given for our group was from Aitana. She suggest that we start the film opening with our main character getting a letter from the government telling her when her scheduled date is. After receiving the letter, she said we could film a phone with the main character and a friend (one who she isn't supposed to converse with due to zodiac incompatibility) where she talks about how unexcited she is for the date because she does not believe in the whole system. Along with this idea she also suggested a shot we could do of the date scene in which the two people are on a date sitting at a table and you see the symbols above their head. She said she thought it would be cool to then pan out and see other tables with people on dates and the signs above their heads as well, which  I thought was a cool idea.
Idea # 3:
The last helpful idea I received for our group was from Ben. He suggested that to save time when drawing the henna of the zodiac signs on the wrists of the characters that we create a stencil so that we don't have to redraw it from scratch every time. I didn't think of this and I thought it was a smart idea.

Slowly but surely the pieces are coming together, and even though we still have a ways to go, I am getting excited to start filming soon! :)

Until Next Time,
Shelby 😊🎤📽

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